How to change remote desktop display settings in windows 10

How to change remote desktop display settings in windows 10

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If the copy text feature isn't working, you need to enable the Clipboard redirect function to use it on the remote computer. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Connecting with Internet Explorer If you are connecting to Right Networks from the website through Internet Explorer, you may need to change a few settings.      

Supported Remote Desktop RDP file settings | Microsoft Docs.Changing the Resolution of a Remote Desktop Session: Windows Surface 4 - Super User


This article will help you adjust the size of the screen in your Remote Desktop settings to ensure that the entire Right Networks window is both visible and legible. If you are connecting to Right Networks from the website through Internet Explorer, you may need to change a few settings. If you are using multiple monitors with different screen resolutions it's possible that when moving the remote desktop window from one screen to the next that the screen will be too large or small.

To resolve this issue please follow the steps below:. Note: If you do not know what the resolution of the monitor that you are using is you can check by right-click on your local desktop and selecting Screen Resolution. Skip to Main Content. Expand search. Search Search. The screen size is either too large, or too small on my Windows PC This article will help you adjust the size of the screen in your Remote Desktop settings to ensure that the entire Right Networks window is both visible and legible.

Information Question. Unfortunately, remote desktop connections don't always work how you want. Here are several tips on fixing remote desktop issues so you can continue your role as the family system admin, no matter where you are. First, check your network settings. Do both computers have a network connection?

It is always the easiest connection issue that sneaks under the radar! If both computers have a network connection, you can move on. The Windows Remote Desktop Connection requires either an IP address or a name for the console you are attempting to view. Make sure you have the correct IP address for the remote computer. On the remote computer, you can visit whatismyip and copy down the address. If you are not with the remote computer, you must ask someone at the location to do this for you, then send over the IP address.

You might find that remote connections are disabled on the terminal you are trying to reach. You can alter this setting on the same System page as above. To the right of the computer name and workgroup, select Change Settings to open the System Properties menu.

Select the Remote tab. Windows 10 offers the same Remote Desktop Connection options as older Windows versions. Under Remote Desktop , there are two options:. Once you allow remote connections, you also have the option of only accepting remote connections using Network Level Authentication. As stated on Microsoft Community , Network Level Authentication is "an authentication method that completes user authentication before you establish a full Remote Desktop connection and the logon screen appears.

It provides an additional layer of security from malicious software and users while using fewer resources in the process. However, if you struggle to create a remote desktop connection after switching Network Level Authentication on, try turning it off. You can check if your version of Remote Desktop supports Network Level Authentication by clicking the top-left of the dialog box and select About.

I don't think that it is about resolution, but more about the DPI settings i. If you are running windows 10 on your Surface Pro, open the Remote Desktop application find it under Apps when you search for it through the start menu.

Login to your remote desktop with your credentials. This will save a desktop under the "Saved Desktop" list in your Remote Desktop application. Close the connection. Close the connection and reopen it and your remote desktop should look fine. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge.

Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Modified 2 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 49k times. How can I adjust the resolution of the remote session? Is there another way?

